The apparent movement of your surroundings is an illusion created by the rotation of fluid in the inner ear. 你周围的转动是幻象,那只是因为内耳中的液体在旋转。
The distinction is based on the direction of apparent movement along the fault fracture. 分类的根据是沿着断裂的视运动方向。
The result showed that the light distribution in the canopy were obviously affected by the leaf area index ( LAI), the structure of canopy, solar radiation and its apparent movement, etc. 结果表明:梨树叶幕光能分布状况直接受叶面积系数、树冠结构、太阳位置及光强的影响。
We have already seen that glint is an apparent movement of a target due to motion causing differential phase changes at the receiver. 我们早已了解,闪烁是目标的视在移动,这是由于目标的运动在接收机中引起不同相位变化的缘故。
Genus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal sensitivity to light and heat and movement. 多刺的木质灌木或乔木属;以和动物相似的对于光和热和运动的敏感性的外型命名。
This band includes the ecliptic, the path of the sun's apparent movement through the constellations of the zodiac over the course of a year. 这条带子涵盖了黄道,也就是一年里太阳运行经过12个星座的路径。
The influence of phase differences on the discrimination of flash signals and apparent movement Ho pao-yuan 相位差对闪光信号辨认和似动现象的影响
The third chapter demonstrates Tishi, apparent movement and film editing's visual processes and their making space laws. 第三章论述体势、似动和剪辑的视觉机制与空间生成规律。
And update the models to meet the apparent change of the target in the movement. 实时更新模型以适应目标在运动过程中发生的表观变化。